Set your career goals for 2020

There’s no better time to talk about goals than the start of a new year. And what better topic than your career? The following are a few tips to help you set reasonable and achievable goals this year:

  • Get out of your comfort zone—The theme here is pushing yourself to make bigger things happen. Apply for aspirational jobs (even if you might not meet all the criteria); tackle projects that you haven’t before and that may feel outside of your experience realm; or if you’ve never done so, sign up to present a topic of significance to your team.

  • Work on a single skill—Making yourself an important asset is the idea here. Focus on improving a key skill this year that will help you grow as a professional and a person. To do this, you can take a course, read a book on a given subject or ask to be mentored by a respected colleague.

  • Take mental breaks and just think—Taking time to clear your mind is key to staying focused. Set the goal to take at least two or three 15-minute breaks during the workday to simply be still. This will help reboot your brain and make way for new, innovative ideas.

  • Seek out the right leader—Leadership is key in career growth. Do you have a boss that has your back when you make mistakes and challenges you with new tasks to help expand your experience and knowledge? If not, it might be time to assess a departmental move or even a company switch.

  • Give back—Volunteering for a worthy cause offers you the opportunity to mentor others, which is great experience for future leaders. Being of service expands one’s ability to connect and be part of a meaningful community—all great attributes!

It’s a new year. Take some time to set some career goals, and then go get’em!

The information provided in this article is for educational and informational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for professional advice.